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+977 9851034054 (+९७७ ९८५१०३४०५४)

Nepal’s Trusted Workforce Recruitment Agency

Empowering People,
Building Opportunities

Trust Nepal Overseas will not ask any applicants, candidates or workers to deposit any kind of documents or properties at any stage of recruitment process.

An Ethical and Responsible Recruitment Agency where Integrity Matters.

ट्रस्ट नेपाल ओभरसिजले नेपाली कामदारलाई शून्य लागत (निःशुल्क) मा विदेशी रोजगारीको अवसर प्रदान गर्न प्रतिवद्ध छ। यसले कामको चयन, समान अवसर,
उचित चयन प्रक्रिया, मानवीय व्यवहार, भेदभाव र उत्पिडनबाट मुक्त वातावरण, स्वतन्त्र रोजगारी चयन आदि जस्ता श्रमसम्बन्धी विभिन्न मापदण्डहरूको पालना
गर्दै नियमित सुधार प्रक्रियामा काम गर्दछ। यसले राष्ट्रिय र अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय कानूनी, मूल्य र अभ्यासहरूको अनुपालन गर्दै काम गर्दछ।

वैदेसिक रोजगारमा सुरक्षित, मर्यादित र स्वस्थ कार्यवातारणको वाचा। भेदभावरहित, समान अवसर दिने हाम्रो ढाँचा।

Zero Recruitment Cost Policy (शून्य भर्ती लागत नीति)

Equal Opportunity (समान अवसर)

Humane Treatment (मानविय व्यवहार)

Transparent Recruitment (पारदर्शी भर्ति प्रक्रिया)

NO to Force Labour (जबरी मजदुरीको विरोध)

Trust Nepal Overseas is committed to providing foreign employment opportunities to Nepalese workers at ZERO COST (Free of Cost) through the process of regular improvement in accordance with various norms related with labor like equal opportunity, fair selection, human behavior, such non-discrimination and non-harassment, free chosen employment etc. in compliance with national and international laws, value and practices.

Certified By

About Trust Nepal

Responsible Global Recruitment Solutions

Trust Nepal Overseas is an ethical and responsible workforce recruitment and placement agency, serving as a bridge between Nepali workers and employers across the globe in various industries.
  • 23+
    Years of Experience & expertise
  • 100%
    Ethical Recruitment
  • 25k+
    Successful Placements
  • 110+
    Satisfied Employersse

यस ट्रष्ट नेपाल ओभरसिज बाट विदेश जाने सन्दर्भमा कुनै पनि तहमा कुनै पनि आवेदकहरु वा कामदारहरु सँग कुनै प्रकारका कागजपत्र वा सम्पतिहरु जम्मा गर्नका लागि आग्रह गरिने छैन ।

Workforce Category

Global Career in Service
& Manufacturing sector

Discover opportunities overseas across service and manufacturing sectors with Trust Nepal. From hospitality and retail to production and quality control, we help you get placed in suitable industries worldwide.

सेवा र उत्पादन क्षेत्रहरूमा आफ्नो करियर निर्माण गर्दै उज्ज्वल भविष्य सुनिश्चित गर्नुहोस्।


Success Stories

Discover how our manpower solutions have transformed businesses
and empowered workers through real success stories.

Thank you for been with us since 2012.

So far, we are satisfied with your good services and we hope you can continue to provide your good foreign worker recruitment services to us with Quality, Efficiency, Integrity and Transparency .

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We would like to emphasize to you again that the Quality, Health and Integrity of foreign workers recruited through you is a “MUST” for us.

It’s been a great pleasure to do business with you and we are looking forward for more fruitful and trustworthy collaboration with you in future.

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Top Glove SDN BHD
1 December 2016

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On behalf of our company, we would like to thank you and your team for doing a good job with the entire recruitment process. We are extremely satisfied and happy with the results and collaboration with Trust Nepal Overseas Pvt Ltd.

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The whole recruitment was done with integrity and transparency. The qualities of the selected workers are as per our requirements. It has been pleasure doing business with you and we are looking forward to working with you again and in the long run.

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IBIDEN Electronics Malaysia Sdn. Bhd.
21st July 2014

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On behalf of our company, we would like to thank you and your team for doing an putstanding job with the entire recruitment process.

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We are extremely satisfied and happy with the results and collaboration with Trust Nepal Overseas Pvt Ltd. We were able to achieve and select the required numbers and type of candidates for our Company.

The whole recruitment was done with integrity, efficiency and transparency The qualities of the selected workers are as per our requirements. We would be more than happy to recommend your service to our associates, Also, this goes without saying that positive enthusiasm, responsibility, professionalism. Also the efficiency of your staff is noteworthy. It has been pleasure doing business with you all these years and we are looking forward to working with you again and in the long run.

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Panasonic Industrail Devices Malaysia Sdn. Bhd.
10 October 2014

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Grievance / गुनासो

Internal staff or applicants or workers, or any other parties can registered their complaints / Grievance through the different channel.

केहि गुनासो भएमा बिना कुनै हिचकिचाहट हामीलाई सम्पर्क गर्नुहोस् ।

Rabin Gurung

+977 9851034054

Rabindra Kumar Neupane

Executive Director
+977 9802050640

Jyastina Shrestha

General Manager
+977 9802021351